Neck Laceration Protectors

To: Members of Missouri Hockey, Inc.

The tragic passing of Adam Johnson last Saturday while playing for the Nottingham Panthers has heightened conversations around neck laceration protectors. USA Hockey and Missouri Hockey along with all of our constituent leagues, continue to recommend a neck laceration protector for all players that covers as much of the neck as possible. We also continue to recommend the use of cut-resistant socks, sleeves and/or undergarments.

The safety of all players is of the utmost importance to all those involved with Missouri Hockey. Missouri Hockey, along with its partners and constituent leagues and divisions, will continue to review all aspects of the game as we strive to improve player safety. At this time, Missouri Hockey will continue to follow the recommendations of USA Hockey with respect to neck laceration protectors. Studies performed by USA Hockey in conjunction with its advisors in the medical field have concluded to recommend but not mandate the use of neck laceration equipment. We encourage parents and players to determine for themselves what is best for the player in this regard. Should more studies make it apparent to mandate this equipment, Missouri Hockey will take appropriate action.

Chris Durso


Missouri Hockey, Inc.